Friday, August 10, 2012

It's hot and I want to die

Seriously though, this heat is killing me and I smell like shit. All I really want is a cold beer, a fan, to be on a porch, maybe with some friends, then maybe have a kiss, get some ramen, go on a bike ride, have some more beer, then maybe feel happy.

A lot to ask, I know.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

You make promises you never keep

I need to quit, I'm killing myself.

19 and no where

Still up to nothing, still not something. Sometimes you wonder how long till you grow up, maybe I'm just stuck or afraid.

Just paint yr nails already, get that haircut you want, stop being a pussy. For now, at least, I'll stay in the space, with music to feed my lonely needs.

I lost nothing that I had

1 past midnight, and still cold from the glare of the screen,
Always been different, never the way it seems,
I light up, with the chance of death,
Rubbing my finger tips, so you'll never know my name.